THESE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (these “Terms Conditions”) shall apply exclusively to all Subscription Services undertaken by Provider and are applicable to every offer, quote, order, including written purchase orders or electronic orders, order confirmation, invoice, or any other writings or communications from Customer of the Subscription Services to Provider. Except as otherwise explicitly provided in a separate written agreement executed by Provider and Customer, these Terms Conditions and any Ordering Document (the “Agreement”) contain all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement between Provider and Customer of the Subscription Services, to the exclusion of any terms and conditions incorporated in Customer’s order or other documents of Customer. Customer is presumed to have accepted all of these Terms Conditions without modification, and implies that Customer renounces, in full the application, of its own terms and conditions, which are expressly rejected by Provider. All prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, negotiations, representations and warranties, and communications, whether written or oral, including but not limited to, terms and conditions submitted by Customer, shall have no legal effect, and shall not become part of the Agreement, unless expressly permitted hereunder.


    Capitalized terms have the meanings set out in this Section 1, or in the section in which they first appear in these Terms Conditions.

    Account Manager” the individual or replacement individual designated by Provider to serve as the primary contact with Customer during the Term. “Action” means any claim, action, cause of action, demand, lawsuit, arbitration, inquiry, audit, notice of violation, proceeding, litigation, citation, summons,

    subpoena, or investigation of any nature, civil, criminal, administrative, regulatory, or other, whether at Law, in equity, or otherwise.

    Affiliate” or “Affiliates” of a Party means any other entity or individual that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, that Party.

    Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or other day on which the Federal Reserve or commercial banks in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are closed or authorized to be closed as well as any days mandated as holiday by the state or central governments of India.

    Claim” means any Action brought against a Person entitled to indemnification under Section 7.

    Cloud Providers” means a third-party service provider, which may include but not limited to Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and IBM Cloud, that delivers computing resources, including but not limited to servers, storage, databases, networks, and software applications, over the internet as a service.

    Cloud Provider Services” means the suite of computing resources provided by a Cloud Provider, including but not limited to storage, databases, networking, software, and security features, delivered over the internet on a subscription or pay-as-you-go basis.

    Confidential Information” means any and all information of a Party or its Representatives that is not generally known by others related to a Party or its Representatives business affairs, finances, products, services, pricing, operations, processes, plans, confidential Intellectual Property, trade secrets, third-party confidential information, and other sensitive or proprietary information, including but not limited to: (a) technical information: methods, processes, designs, drawings, blueprints, plans, specifications, formulae, compositions, inventions, machines, computer programs and research projects and (b) business information: customer lists; pricing data; sources of supply; and marketing, production, or merchandising systems or plans. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include (a) information which is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a breach of the terms of this Agreement;

    (b) information in the possession of the receiving Party or its Representatives on a non-confidential basis prior to disclosure under this Agreement; (c) information which has been independently acquired from a source other than the disclosing Party, its parent, subsidiaries or Affiliates, or its Representatives, and such source is not known by the receiving Party to be prohibited from disclosing such information by any legal, contractual, fiduciary or other obligation; and (d) information that is independently developed by the receiving Party or its Representatives without reference to, or incorporation or use of, the Confidential Information.

    Customer” means the individual, corporation, limited liability company, or other legal entity submitting an Order, whether written, oral, or through electronic means, to subscribe to the Subscription Services.

    Customer Websites” means any website owned and operated by Customer to which the Subscription Services apply.

    Force Majeure Event” means any event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Provider, including, but not limited to (i) acts of God; (ii) national disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes, or explosion; (iii) war, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot or other civil unrest; (iv) government order, law, or actions; (v) national, international or regional emergency; (vi) strikes, labor stoppages or slowdowns, lock-outs, or other industrial disturbances; (vii) telecommunication breakdowns, power outages or shortages, lack of warehouse or storage space, inadequate transportation services, equipment damages, or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials; or (viii) other events beyond the reasonable control of Provider.

    Generative AI” means any artificial intelligence system, algorithm, or software capable of autonomously creating new, original content based on input data, parameters, or predefined instructions.

    Generated Content” means any and all materials, works, or creations produced by Generative AI, including but not limited to text, images, code, audio, video, or any other form of digital or multimedia content, regardless of the medium or format in which it is manifested.

    Governmental Authority” means any federal, state, local or foreign government or political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of such government or political subdivision, or any self-regulated organization or other non-governmental regulatory authority or quasi-governmental authority (to the extent that the rules, regulations or orders of such organization or authority have the force of Law), or any arbitrator, court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction.

    Governmental Order” means any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, stipulation, award, or determination entered by or with any Governmental Authority.

    Initial Order Form” means the initial Order Form submitted by Customer on or offline.

    Intellectual Property” or “Intellectual Property Rights” means all industrial and other intellectual property rights comprising or relating to: (a) Patents;

    (b) Trademarks; (c) internet domain names, whether or not Trademarks, registered by any authorized private registrar or Governmental Authority, web addresses, web pages, website, and URLs; (d) works of authorship, expressions, designs, and design registrations, whether or not copyrightable, including copyrights and copyrightable works, software and firmware, files, records, schematics, data, data files, and databases and other specifications and documentation; (e) trade secrets; and (f) all industrial and other intellectual property rights, and all rights, interests, and protections that are associated with, equivalent or similar to, or required for the exercise of, any of the foregoing, however arising, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all registrations and applications for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights or forms of protection pursuant to the Laws of any jurisdiction throughout in any part of the world.

    Law” means any statute, law, ordinance, regulation, rule, code, constitution, treaty, common law, Governmental Order, or other requirement or rule of law of any Governmental Authority.

    Losses” means any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, fees and the costs of enforcing any right to indemnification hereunder and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers.

    Notice” means any written notice, request, consent, claim, demand, waiver, and other communications under this Agreement given in writing and delivered in person, by electronic mail, (with written confirmation of proper transmission), by overnight courier or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the receiving Party at the address set forth on the Initial Order Form or such other address as such Party may have given to the other Party.

    Order Form” means Provider’s standard order form (or other similar document duly executed by the Parties) entered into pursuant to this Agreement which specifies the Subscription Services to be ordered by Customer hereunder, and the fees therefor.

    Ordering Document” means collectively the (i) the Initial Order Form, (ii) Order Form(s) and (iii) SOW(s).

    Ordering Document Effective Date” or “Effective Date” means (i) with respect to each Ordering Document the effective date specified on the Ordering Document, or if none, the date of last signature or (ii) with respect to an online checkout form, the date in which Customer submits its online checkout form on Provider’s website.

    Party” or “Parties” means (i) Provider or Customer or (ii) Provider and Customer

    Patents” means all patents (including all reissues, divisionals, provisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part, re-examinations, renewals, substitutions and extensions thereof), patent applications, and other patent rights and any other Governmental Authority-issued indicia of invention ownership (including inventor’s certificates, petty patents, and patent utility models).

    Permitted Subcontractors” means any Person or entity that Provider engages with, without prior written Notice to Customer, including but not limited to, any independent consultants, contractors, subcontractors, or Affiliates of Provider.

    Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability entity, governmental authority, unincorporated organization, trust, association, or other entity.

    Platform” means any social media platform, including, but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, X (f/k/a Twitter), TikTok, Instagram and any other social media platform, whether or not in existence at the time of entering into this Agreement.

    Provider” means K-Software Solutions, LLC (d/b/a Sinopia.AI), a Massachusetts limited liability company, its parent, subsidiaries, or its affiliates. “Provider Personnel” means any employee or Representative of Provider and Permitted Subcontractors.

    Representatives” means a Party’s Affiliates and each of their respective Personnel, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, attorneys, third-party advisors, successors, and permitted assigns.

    Restricted Period” means during the Term and for a period of six (6) months.

    Search Engine Optimization” or “SEO” means the promotion of Customer’s website by increasing the visibility in search engine result pages through on-page and off-page optimization efforts including code and content enhancements.

    Search Engine Marketing” or “SEM” means the promotion of Customer’s website by increasing the visibility in search engine result pages through paid advertising and optimization techniques including, but not limited to keyword research and advertisement targeting.

    Social Media Marketing” or “SMM” means the use of the Platforms to promote Customer’s website, products, brand, and/or service.

    SOW” means Provider’s standard statement of work (or other similar document duly executed by the Parties) entered into pursuant to the Agreement that describes the Subscription Services to be provided by Provider to Customer.

    Subscription Services” means (i) technical, implementation, configuration, and/or other professional services or (ii) website services and digital promotion and marketing services, each of which provided or to be provided by Provider to Customer.

    Taxes” means any and all present and future sales, income, stamp, and other taxes, levies, imposts, duties, deductions, charges, fees or withholdings imposed, levied, withheld, or assessed by any Governmental Authority, together with any interest or penalties imposed thereon.

    Trademarks” means all rights in and to US and foreign trademarks, service marks, trade dress, trade names, brand names, logos, corporate names and domain names, and other similar designations of source, sponsorship, association, or origin, together with the goodwill symbolized by any of the foregoing, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all registrations and applications for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.

    Terms Conditions” means these Subscription Service Terms Conditions.

    Unscheduled Maintenance” means any maintenance activities, including but not limited to emergency updates, critical system patches, and other unforeseen actions necessary to address immediate security vulnerabilities, performance issues or system failures, that is not Scheduled Maintenance.

    US” means the United States of America.

    1. Services.
      1. General. During the Term of this Agreement, Customer shall authorize Provider, on a non-exclusive basis, to perform the Subscription Services for Customer pursuant to an Ordering Document and accepted by Provider. Each Ordering Document shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event there is a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and an Ordering Document, the terms of this Agreement shall control unless otherwise expressly specified in such Ordering Document. Provider shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Subscription Services: (a) in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the respective Ordering Document and this Agreement; (b) using personnel of required skill, experience, and qualifications; (c) in a workmanlike and professional manner; (d) in accordance with generally recognized industry standards; and (e) to the reasonable satisfaction of Customer.
      2. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. This Section 2.1(ii) is applicable if the Subscription Services include SEO, SEM or both.
        1. Theseservices generally include, but are not limited to, the following:
          1. Research keywords and phrases to select appropriate, relevant search terms.
          2. Submit Customer Websites to search engines and directories as set forth in this Agreement.
          3. Modify the title tags, meta tags, content, HTML code, URLs and other on-page factors.
          4. Manage any such customer accounts as necessary to provide SEO and/ or SEM services including creating campaigns, modifying parameters including audience targeting, budgets, or durations amongst others.
          5. Create positioning reports showing rankings in the major search engines and under which keywords.
        2. Search Engines. Selected search engine submissions may include but not limited to Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL and Ask.
        3. Customer Acknowledgment. Customer understands, acknowledges and agrees that:
          1. Provider has no control over the policies of search engines with respect to the type of sites and/or content that they accept now or in the future. A Customer Website may be excluded from any directory or search engine at any time at the sole discretion of the search engine or directory.
          2. Due to the competitiveness of some keywords/phrases, ongoing changes in search engine ranking algorithms, and other competitive factors, Provider does not guarantee the position for any particular keyword, phrase, or search term.
          3. Certain search engines and directories have been known to hinder the rankings of new websites (or pages) until such websites (or pages) have proven their viability to exist. It does take time after submission to list Customer Websites on these search engines and directories.
          4. Occasionally, search engines will stop accepting submissions for an indefinite period of time.
          5. Occasionally, search engines will drop listings for no apparent or predictable reason. Often listing will “reappear” without any additional submissions.
          6. Some search directories offer expedited listing services for a fee. If Customer wishes to engage in said expedited listing services (e.g., paid directories), Customer is responsible for all paid for inclusion or expedited service fees. Provider can offer a list of expedited listing services upon request.
          7. All media buys are the direct responsibility of the Client. The Client will provide their credit card or other payment methods as may be needed by these search engines. The Client acknowledges that the Provider is not responsible for the policies of such Search Engines or to any changes these may make.
        4. Website Changes. Provider is not responsible for any changes made to Customer Websites by other parties that adversely affect the search engine or directory rankings of Customer Websites.
      3. Social Media Marketing. This Section 2.1(iii) is applicable if the Subscription Services include SMM:
        1. SMM Services. The SMM services may include (i) creating and posting content on the Platforms including but not limited to Meta, YouTube, and others; (ii) managing Platform accounts; (iii) engaging with Customer follows; (iv) running advertising campaigns on the Platforms; (v) and (vi) provide analytics and reporting on SMM performance.
        2. Authorization. To perform SMM services, Customer shall deliver to Provider all credentials to the Platforms subject to SMM services. By delivering such credentials, Customer hereby authorizes Provider to use such solely for the purposes of SMM services.
        3. Client acknowledges that they will be responsible for providing their payment methods to the Platforms and that the Provider has no control over the policies of these Platforms.
      4. Customer Support: The Client acknowledges that the Provider is constrained by the level and quality of customer support on any issues that pertain to these Search Engines and Platforms as they make available. The Provider is limited to follow processes as these Search Engines and Platforms may provide and that the Provider does not have any control on the timeliness or responsiveness of these Search Engines and Platforms.
      5. Acceptance. Customer has the right, in its sole discretion, to accept or reject (without liability or penalty, and without constituting a waiver of any of Provider’s rights or remedies under this Agreement or any Ordering Document, Order Form or SOW by responding to the Order Form or SOW with an acceptance or a rejection whether by written confirmation or rejection, invoice, email, or otherwise). No Order Form or SOW is binding on Provider unless accepted by Provider as provided in this Agreement. An Order Form or SOW shall be deemed accepted and incorporated into this Agreement upon Provider’s notification to Customer.
      6. Terms of this Agreement Prevail over Customer’s Purchase Orders. The Parties intend for the express terms and conditions contained in this Agreement (including any schedules and exhibits hereto) to exclusively govern and control each of the Parties’ respective rights and obligations regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, and this Agreement is expressly limited to such terms and conditions. Provider’s acceptance of Customer’s Oder Form or SOW is expressly conditioned on Customer’s acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer shall only submit an Order Form or SOW to Provider, and by submitting such, Customer is presumed to have accepted all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement without modification, and implies that Customer renounces, in full the application, of its own terms and conditions, which are expressly rejected by Provider. All prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, negotiations, representations and warranties, and communications, whether written or oral, including but not limited to, terms and conditions submitted by Customer, shall have no legal effect, and shall not become part of the Agreement, unless expressly permitted hereunder. Without limitation of the foregoing, any additional, contrary, or different terms contained in any Ordering Document or other request or communication by Customer pertaining to the Subscription Services, and any attempt to modify, supersede, supplement or otherwise alter this Agreement, will not modify this Agreement or be binding on the Parties unless such terms have been fully approved by Provider.
      7. Time of the Essence. Subject to Customer’s timely cooperation in accordance with Section 3.1(iii), Provider acknowledges that time is of the essence with respect to Provider’s obligations hereunder and that prompt and timely performance of all such obligations is strictly required.
      8. Customer Approval. Prior to their public release, Provider shall submit to Customer for approval any Deliverables intended to be displayed, published, reproduced, distributed, or otherwise made publicly available. Within three (3) days after receiving a submission and request for approval from Provider, Customer shall provide Provider with written approval or disapproval of the materials submitted. If Customer does not respond within three (3) days, the submission will be deemed disapproved, and Provider will not be held in non-performance. Customer approval will not modify in any way Provider’s representations, warranties, covenants, and other obligations under this Agreement.
      9. No Exclusivity. At all times during the Term of this Agreement, Provider shall have the right to perform the same or similar type of services to third parties.
    2. Provider Personnel. Provider:
      1. May appoint an Account Manager who will have the authority to act on behalf of the Provider in connection with matters pertaining to this Agreement.
      2. May hire, supervise, direct, and discharge all Provider Personnel necessary to perform the Subscription Services, each of whom shall be suitably skilled, experienced, and qualified.
      3. Shall comply with all applicable laws in its performance of the Subscription Services.
      4. Shall be responsible for the payment of all compensation owed to the Provider Personnel, including, if applicable, the payment and withholding of social security and other payroll taxes, withholding of income taxes, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation insurance payments, and disability benefits.
      5. Shall, without prior written Notice to Customer, engage with a Permitted Subcontractor, to provide any of the Subscription Services or Deliverables to Customer in connection with this Agreement and/or any Ordering Document. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between Customer and any Provider Personnel or suppliers of Provider.
    3. Provider Representations and Warranties. Provider represents, warrants, and covenants to Customer that:
      1. it is a limited liability company, duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;
      2. it has the full right, corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder;
      3. the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement by Provider will not violate, conflict with, require consent under or result in any breach or default under (i) any of Provider’s organizational documents (ii) any applicable Law or (iii) with or without Notice or lapse of time or both, the provisions of any material Provider contract;
      4. it shall comply with, and ensure that all Provider Personnel comply with, all specifications, rules, regulations, and policies of Customer that are communicated to Provider in writing;
      5. Customer will receive good and valid title to all Deliverables, free and clear of all encumbrances and liens of any kind;
      6. to the knowledge of Provider, none of the Subscription Services, Deliverables, or Customer’s use thereof infringe or will infringe any Intellectual Property of any third-party arising under the Laws of the US, and, as of the date hereof, there are no pending or, to Provider’s knowledge, threatened claims, litigation, or other proceedings pending against Provider by any third-party based on an alleged violation of such Intellectual Property, in each case, excluding any infringement or claim, litigation or other proceedings to the extent arising out of (i) any Customer Materials or any instruction, information, designs, specifications, or other materials provided by Customer to Provider, (ii) use of the Deliverables in combination with any materials or equipment not supplied or specified by Provider, if the infringement would have been avoided by the use of the Deliverables not so combined, and (iii) any modifications or changes made to the Deliverables by or on behalf of any person other than Provider. Provider’s sole liability and Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for Provider’s breach of this Section 2.3(vi) are Provider’s obligations and Customer’s rights under Section 7; and
      7. to the knowledge of Provider, no Deliverables provided in electronic form by Provider to Customer contain or will contain any (i) trojan horse, worm, backdoor, or other software or hardware devices the effect of which is to permit unauthorized access or to disable, erase, or otherwise harm any computer, systems or software, or (ii) any time bomb, drop dead device or other software or hardware device designed to disable a computer program automatically with the passage of time or under the positive control of a person other than an authorized licensee or owner of a copy of the program or the right and title in and to the program.
    1. Customer Obligations and Responsibilities: Client Shall
      1. Appoint a Customer Representative to serve as the primary contact with respect to this Agreement and who will have the authority to act on behalf of Customer with respect to matters pertaining to this Agreement (the “Customer Contract Manager”).
      2. Provide copies of or access to Customer’s information, documents, samples, or other materials (collectively, “Customer Materials”) as Provider may reasonably request in order to carry out the Subscription Services in a timely manner and ensure that they are complete and accurate in all material respects. Customer and its licensors are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest in and to all Customer Materials, including all Intellectual Property Rights therein. Provider shall have no right or license to use any Customer Materials, other than during the Term to the extent necessary to provide the Subscription Services to Customer, and all other rights in and to the Customer Materials are expressly reserved by Customer.
      3. Respond promptly to any Provider or Provider Personnel request to provide direction, information, approvals, authorizations, or decisions that are reasonably necessary for Provider to perform the Subscription Services in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.
    2. Customer Representations and Warranties. Customer represents, warrants, and covenants to Provider that:
      1. it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is domiciled;
      2. it is duly qualified to do business and is in good standing in every jurisdiction in which such qualification is required for purposes of this Agreement;
      3. it has the full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder;
      4. the execution of this Agreement by its representative set forth on an Ordering Document, and the delivery of this Agreement by Customer, have been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of Customer;
      5. the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement by Customer will not (i) violate any material Law to which Customer is subject or the Customer’s organizational documents; (ii) conflict with, result in a breach of, constitute a default under, result in the acceleration of, create in any party the right to accelerate, terminate, modify, or cancel, or result in any waiver or diminution of rights or claims held by Customer under any agreement, Customer contract, license, instrument, or other arrangement to which Customer is a party to or by which Customer is bound or to which the assets of Customer is subject; (iii) result in the creation of any lien on any assets of Customer; or (iv) require any consent, approval, order, or authorization of or from, or registration, notification, declaration, or filing with any person, including any Government Entity.
      6. this Agreement has been executed and delivered by Customer and constitutes the legal, valid, and binding obligation of Customer, enforceable against Customer in accordance with its terms;
      7. it is in material compliance with all applicable Laws and contracts relating to this Agreement and the operation of its business;
      8. it has obtained all material licenses, authorizations, approvals, consents, or permits required by applicable Laws to conduct its business generally and to perform its obligations under this Agreement; and
      9. it is not insolvent and is paying all of its debts as they become due.
    1. Term; Renewal. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year, commencing on the Effective Date and subject to earlier termination as provided in Section 4.2 (the “Initial Term”) unless agreed upon in writing prior to start of the Agreement. At the conclusion of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms (each, a “Renewal Term” and together with the Initial Term, the “Term”), unless either Party gives the other Party Notice of non-renewal at least thirty (30) days’ prior to the end of the Initial or a Renewal Term (as the case may be). During any Renewal Term, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be the same as those in effect at the time of the of the Renewal Term unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing by the Parties.
    2. Termination.
      1. Termination for Convenience. During the Initial Term, Provider has the right to rescind the Agreement or as the case may be, to terminate the Agreement with Customer, in whole or part, at any time, with immediate effect, without prior Notice and without compensation and liability, for any reason. During any Renewal Term, either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon ninety (90) days’ Notice to the other Party to this Agreement. If Customer elects to terminate this Agreement or any Ordering Document accepted by Provider, as the case may be, during a Renewal Term, Customer will pay to Provider a termination fee equal to three (3) months of fees for Subscription Services, at the then current rate, as well as any approved, non-cancellable expenses accrued by Provider to perform the Subscription Services.
      2. Termination for Cause. Provider may terminate this Agreement, effective upon Notice to Client:
      3. if Customer fails to pay any amount on the applicable Payment Date (a “Payment Failure”);
      4. pursuant to and in accordance with Section 6.2(ii)(3);
      5. if Customer is in breach of any representation, warranty or covenant of Customer under this Agreement (other than committing a Payment Failure), and either the breach cannot be cured or, if the breach can be cured, it is not cured by Customer within a commercially reasonable period of time (in no case exceeding fifteen (15) days) after Customer’s receipt of Notice of such breach;
      6. if Customer (i) becomes insolvent or is generally unable to pay, or fails to pay, its debts as they become due, (ii) files or has filed against it, a petition for voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or otherwise becomes subject, voluntarily or involuntarily, to any proceeding under any domestic or foreign bankruptcy or insolvency law, (iii) makes or seeks to make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or (iv) applies for or has appointed a receiver, trustee, custodian or similar agent appointed by order of any court of competent jurisdiction to take charge of or sell any material portion of its property or business; or
      7. if Provider terminates any other agreement between (i) Provider and (ii) Customer or Customer’s Affiliates, due to Customer’s or Customer’s Affiliates’ breach or non-performance thereof.
    3. Effect of Termination.
      1. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, all indebtedness of Customer to Provider under this Agreement, any other agreement or otherwise, of any kind, shall become immediately due and payable to Provider, without further Notice to Customer.
      2. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, each Party shall promptly:
        1. return to the other Party all documents and tangible materials (and any copies) containing, reflecting, incorporating, or based on the other Party’s Confidential Information;
        2. permanently erase all of the other Party’s Confidential Information from its computer systems, except for copies that are maintained as archive copies on its disaster recovery or information technology backup systems, which it shall destroy upon the normal expiration of its backup files; and
        3. certify in writing to the other Party that it has complied with the requirements of this clause; providedhowever, that Customer may retain copies of any Confidential Information of Provider incorporated in the Deliverables or to the extent necessary to allow it to make full use of the Subscription Services and any Deliverables.
      3. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, Provider shall deliver to Customer all Deliverables (whether complete or incomplete) for which Customer has paid and all Customer Materials.
      4. Expiration or termination of this Agreement does not affect any rights or obligations that are to survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement under Section 12.3 or were incurred by the Parties before the expiration or termination (except as expressly provided herein).
      5. Any Notice of termination under this Agreement automatically operates as a cancellation of any deliveries of Subscription Services to Customer that are scheduled to be made subsequent to the effective date of termination, whether or not any orders for such Subscription Services had been accepted by Provider.
      6. Subject to Section 4.3(ii)(3), the Party terminating this Agreement, or in the case of the expiration of this Agreement, each Party, shall not be liable to the other Party for any damage of any kind (whether direct or indirect) incurred by the other Party by reason of the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any of either Party’s rights, remedies or defenses under this Agreement, at law, in equity or otherwise.
    1. License to Certain Customer Intellectual Property. Subject to and in accordance with these Terms Conditions, Customer grants Provider and Provider Personnel a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable, worldwide license during the Term to use Customer’s Intellectual Property solely to the extent necessary to provide the Subscription Services to Customer. Customer grants no other right or license to any Customer Intellectual Property to Provider by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. Provider acknowledges that Customer owns all right, title, and interest in, to, and under the Customer’s Intellectual Property and that Provider shall not acquire any proprietary rights therein. Any use by Provider, or Provider Personnel of any of Customer’s Intellectual Property and all goodwill and other rights associated therewith shall inure to the benefit of Customer.
    2. Ownership and License to Deliverables.
      1. Except as set forth in Section 5.2(iii), Customer is and shall be, the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest in and to all documents, work product, and other materials that are delivered to Customer hereunder by or on behalf of Provider in connection with any Ordering Document or developed or created in the course of performing the Subscription Services, including all Intellectual Property therein (collectively, the “Deliverables”). Provider acknowledges and will cause Provider Personnel to agree that with respect to any copyrights in any Deliverables that may qualify as “work made for hire” as defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, Customer shall own the copyrights in such Deliverables as a “work made for hire” for Customer. With respect to any of the Deliverables that do not constitute a “work made for hire,” Provider hereby irrevocably assigns and shall cause Provider Personnel to irrevocably assign to Customer, in each case without additional consideration, all right, title, and interest throughout the world in and to the Deliverables. Provider shall cause Provider Personnel to irrevocably waive, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any and all claims such Provider Personnel may now or hereafter have in any jurisdiction to so-called “moral rights” or rights of droit moral with respect to the Deliverables. Upon the reasonable request of Customer, Provider shall, and shall cause Provider Personnel to, promptly take such further actions, including execution and delivery of all appropriate instruments of conveyance, as may be necessary to assist Customer to prosecute, register, perfect, or record its rights in or to any Deliverables.
      2. In the course of providing the Subscription Services, Provider will be using certain pre-existing materials consisting of documents, data, know- how, methodologies, software, and other material, including computer programs, reports, and specifications, in each case developed or acquired by Provider prior to the commencement or independently of this Agreement (collectively, the “Pre-Existing Materials”). Provider and its licensors are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive owners of all right, title, and interest in and to the Pre-Existing Materials, including all Intellectual Property therein. Provider hereby grants Customer a perpetual, limited, royalty-free, non-transferable (except in accordance with Section 12.7, non-sublicensable, worldwide license to use, perform, display, execute, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify including to create derivative works), import, make, have made, sell, offer to sell, and otherwise exploit any Pre-Existing Materials to the extent incorporated in, combined with or otherwise necessary for the use of the Deliverables solely to the extent reasonably required in connection with Customer’s receipt or use of the Subscription Services and Deliverables. All other rights in and to the Pre-Existing Materials are expressly reserved by Provider.
      3. In the course of providing the Subscription Services, Provider will be using certain third-party materials consisting of documents, data, content, or specifications of third parties, and components or software, including open-source software that are not proprietary to Provider (collectively, the “Third-Party Materials”). Customer shall have a limited, royalty-free, non-transferable (except in accordance with Section 12.7), non- sublicensable, worldwide license to use the Third-Party Materials to the extent incorporated in, combined with or otherwise necessary for the use of the Deliverables solely to the extent reasonably required in connection with Customer’s receipt or use of the Subscription Services and Deliverables. Except for the limited rights and licenses expressly granted herein, nothing in these Terms Conditions or the Agreement grants to Customer or any third-party, any Intellectual Property rights in the Third-Party Materials, by implication, waiver, estoppel, or otherwise.
      4. In the course of providing the Subscription Services, Provider or Provider Personnel may use Generative AI to perform the Subscription Services. Customer acknowledges that any Generated Content may be incorporated into the Deliverables or outputs of the Subscription Services provided by the Provider. Provider hereby grants Customer a limited, royalty-free, non-transferable (except in accordance with Section 12.7), non-sublicensable, worldwide license to use the Generated Content to the extent incorporated in, combined with or otherwise necessary for the use of the Deliverables solely to the extent reasonably required in connection with Customer’s receipt or use of the Subscription Services and Deliverables. Except for the limited rights and licenses expressly granted under this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement grants to Customer or any third-party, any Intellectual Property rights in the Generated Content, by implication, waiver, estoppel, or otherwise.
    3. Grant of License for Promoting Marketing Provider’s Subscription Services.
      1. Customer grants Provider a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable, worldwide license during the Term to use to use, perform, display, execute, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify (including to create derivative works), import, make, have made, sell, offer to sell, and otherwise exploit the Deliverables for the purpose of promoting and marketing Provider’s Subscription Services to other third parties.
      2. Customer further grants Provider to use Customer’s name, logo and likeness (“Likeness”) in connection with the promotion and marketing of Provider’s Subscription services, including but not limited to website content, case studies, testimonials, and promotional materials.
      3. Provider shall not use the Deliverables or Likeness in a manner that is false, misleading, or defamatory, or otherwise disparages or tarnishes the reputation of Customer. Provider shall obtain Customer’s prior written approval for any specific use of the Deliverables or Likeness that materially deviates from the intended purposes set forth in this Section 5.3(iii).
      4. Upon termination or earlier expiration of the Agreement set forth in Section 4, Provider’s rights under this Section 5.3(iv) shall terminate, and Provider shall promptly cease all use of the Deliverables and Likeness for marketing and promotional purposes.
    1. Fees.
      1. Fees. Unless specified otherwise in writing and signed by Provider, fees for the Subscription Services shall be set forth on each Ordering Document (the “Subscription Fees”). Except as otherwise set forth herein, each Ordering Document is non-cancellable, and Subscription Fees are non-refundable.
      2. Fee Increases. Following the Initial Term, the Subscription Fees in each Renewal Term shall automatically increase by ten percent (10.00%) (“Fee Increase”), unless waived or reduced by Provider. A Fee Increase shall be effective the first month of each Renewal Term.
      3. Price Adjustments. Notwithstanding Section 6.1(ii), at any time during the Term, Provider reserves the right, and without prior written Notice to Customer, to adjust the fees for Subscription Services (“Price Adjustment”) to reflect any increase in the cost to Provider due to the failure of Customer to adhere to Section 3.1(iii) and/or (ii) factors and circumstances beyond the control of Provider. Each Price Adjustment, if any, shall be effective at the beginning of the next billing cycle. Once Customer places an Ordering Document, payment obligations are non- cancelable, and fees paid are non-refundable.
      4. Reimbursable Expenses. In addition to the Subscription Fees, Customer shall reimburse Provider for all actual, documented, and reasonable travel and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Provider in performing the Subscription Services, if any.
    2. Payment Terms; Autopay.
      1. Payment Terms. Unless specified otherwise in writing and signed by Provider, Customer agrees to pay the Provider the Subscription Fees on the first (1st) day of the month, or if the first (1st) day of a month is not a Business Day, then on the next succeeding Business Day (each a “Payment Date”), each month during the Term. Provider shall invoice Customer no less than ten (10) days prior to a Payment Date. All payments due to Provider shall be made in US dollars either by (i) credit card, (ii) debit card, or (ii) wire transfer of immediately available funds (“Accepted Payment Method”) on or before 4:00 p.m. (Boston time) on the Payment Date. Any payment that is received by Provider after 4:00 p.m. (Boston time) shall be deemed to have been received on the immediately succeeding Business Day.
      2. Autopay.
        1. General. To induce Provider to enter into this Agreement and as a condition to receive the Subscription Services, Customer has voluntarily agreed to enroll in Provider’s automatic payment program (“Autopay”). By entering this Agreement, Customer represents that Customer has read, understood, and agrees to this Section 6.2(ii) in its entirety.
        2. Authorization for Autopay. Customer hereby requests and authorizes Provider to charge the Subscription Fees on each Payment Date to the Accepted Payment Method and Customer authorize the financial institution for the Accepted Payment Method to charge Customer’s account and remit payment for the Subscription Fees to Provider on each Payment Date (the “Autopay Authorization”). If the Accepted Payment Method selected by Customer is a credit card (i) a convenience fee may be added to cover the transaction costs and (ii) Provider assumes no responsibility for any interest, late fees or penalties associated with credit card payments. Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Provider from any liability or loss occurring due to the dishonor of any debit presented as a result of any charge made or refused to be made under this Autopay Authorization. In no event will Provider or its Representatives be liable for consequential, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or enhanced damages, lost profits or revenues or diminution in value, arising out of or relating to this Autopay Authorization.
        3. Autopay Failure. In the event Provider is unable to charge the Accepted Payment Method, Provider may (i) suspend the Subscription Services or (ii) terminate this Agreement, any accepted Ordering Document, and any other agreement between Customer and Provider. No suspension or termination shall relieve Customer of any amounts due to Provider.
        4. Changes to Accepted Payment Method. If Customer desires to change the initial Accepted Payment Method (e.g., change from one credit/debit card to another), then Customer shall provide written Notice to Provider within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the change. All changes to an Accepted Payment Method are not effective unless approved by Provider.
        5. Termination of Autopay Authorization. Customer has the right to terminate the Autopay Authorization at any time following the Initial Term. To terminate its Autopay Authorization, Customer shall provide Provider (30) days prior written Notice of its intent to terminate its Autopay Authorization. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no termination of Customer’s Autopay Authorization shall relieve Customer of any obligation to pay amounts due to Provider.
    3. Invoice Disputes. Customer shall provide Provider written Notice of any dispute or objection (along with substantiating documentation and a reasonably detailed description of the dispute) within five (5) days following receipt of such invoice (the “Dispute Period”). Upon expiration of the Dispute Period, Customer will be deemed to have accepted all invoices for which Provider does not receive timely notification of dispute and shall pay the undisputed amounts in accordance with Section 6.2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Customer shall continue performing its obligations under this Agreement during any such dispute, including Customer’s obligation to pay all due and undisputed invoice amounts in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
    4. Late Payments; Suspension of Subscription Services. Except for invoiced payments that Customer has successfully disputed or are under dispute in accordance with Section 6.3, Customer shall pay interest on all late payments (whether during the Term or after the expiration or earlier termination of the Term), calculated daily and compounded monthly, at the lesser of (i) one-and-a-half (1.50%) or (ii) the highest rate permissible under applicable law. Customer shall also reimburse Provider for all reasonable costs incurred by Provider in collecting any late payments, including attorneys’ fees and court costs. In addition to all other remedies available under this Agreement or at law (which Provider does not waive by the exercise of any rights under this Agreement), if Customer fails to pay any amounts when due under this Agreement, Provider may (i) suspend the delivery of any Subscription Services, (ii) reject Customer’s Ordering Documents, or (iii) terminate this Agreement pursuant to the terms of Section 4.2(ii).
    5. No Set-Off Rights. Customer shall not, and acknowledges that it will have no right, under this Agreement, any Ordering Document any other agreement, document or law to, withhold, offset, recoup or debit any amounts owed (or to become due and owing) to Provider, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, against any other amount owed (or to become due and owing) to it by Provider, whether relating to Provider’s breach or non-performance of this Agreement, any Ordering Document any other agreement between (i) Customer and (ii) Provider, or otherwise.
    6. Taxes. All fees payable by Customer under this Agreement are exclusive of all sales, use, and excise Taxes, and any other similar Taxes, duties, and charges of any kind imposed by any governmental authority on such amounts. Provider shall be responsible for any Taxes imposed on, or with respect to, Provider’s income, revenues, gross receipts, personnel, or real or personal property, or other assets. Customer shall be solely responsible for the payment of any sales and use Taxes assessed against the sale of Customer’s goods and services.
  8. Indemnification. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each Party and their respective Representatives and Affiliates (“Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and its respective Representatives, Affiliates, successors and permitted assigns (collectively, “Indemnified Party”) against any and all Losses incurred by Indemnified Party, arising out or resulting from any Action by a third party or any direct Action against Indemnifying Party alleging: (i) any grossly negligent or more culpable act or omission of Indemnifying Party or its personnel (including any recklessness, willful misconduct, or fraud) in connection with the performance of the Agreement; or (iii) violations of Section 5.
  9. Exceptions and Limitations on Indemnification.
    1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, neither Party is obligated to indemnify or defend the other Party or any of its Representatives against any Losses arising out of or resulting, in whole or in part, from the other Party’s: (i) willful, reckless or negligent acts or omissions; or
    2. bad faith failure to comply with any of its obligations set forth in this Agreement.
    3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Provider shall have no obligations to indemnify or defend Customer or any of its Representatives against any Losses arising out of or resulting, in whole or in part, from infringement claims relating to: (i) any Customer Materials or any instruction, information, designs, specifications, or other materials provided by Customer in writing to Provider; (ii) Customer’s use of the Deliverables in combination with any materials or equipment not supplied to Customer or specified by Provider in writing, if the infringement would have been avoided by the use of the Deliverables or Intellectual Property of Provider not so combined; or
    4. any modifications or changes made to the Deliverables by or on behalf of any Person other than Provider or Provider Personnel.
    1. Non-Solicitation of Provider Personnel. Customer understands and acknowledges that Provider has expended and continues to expend significant time and expense in recruiting and training its Provider Personnel and that the loss of employees or consultants would cause significant and irreparable harm to Provider. During the Restricted Period, Customer agrees and covenants not to directly or indirectly solicit, hire, recruit, or attempt to solicit, hire, or recruit, any Provider Personnel or any Provider Personnel who has been employed by Provider in the previous twelve (12) months preceding the Restricted Period.
    2. Confidentiality. From time to time during the Term, either Party (as the “Disclosing Party”) may disclose or make available to the other Party (as the “Receiving Party”) Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall protect and safeguard the confidentiality of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information with at least the same degree of care as the Receiving Party would protect its own Confidential Information, but in no event with less than a commercially reasonable degree of care. The Receiving Party shall not use the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations hereunder and shall not disclose the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information to any individual or entity at any time during the Restricted Period. On the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement, the Receiving Party shall promptly return to the Disclosing party all copies, whether in written, electronic, or other form or media, of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information or destroy all such copies and certify in writing that that it has complied with the requirements of this Section 9.2. In addition to all other remedies available at Law, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief for any violation or threatened violation of this Section 9.2.
    1. Security Measures. Provider shall implement reasonable security measures consistent with relevant industry practices and in accordance with Providers security procedures, as amended from time to time, to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Subscription Services provided under the Agreement.
    2. Maintenance. Provider shall perform routine maintenance of its systems and infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and availability of the Subscription Services. In respect to schedule maintenance, Provider shall use commercially reasonable efforts to (i) schedule downtime for routine maintenance of the Subscription Services during Customer’s off-peak hours or (ii) give customer at least twenty-four (24) hours prior Notice of all scheduled outages of the Subscription Services (“Scheduled Maintenance”). In the event Provider needs to conduct Unscheduled Maintenance, Provider shall use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the impact of Unscheduled Maintenance on the availability of the Subscription Services, and, to the extent feasible, notify Customer of Unscheduled Maintenance as soon as practicable. Customer hereby (i) acknowledges that any Schedule Maintenance and Unscheduled Maintenance may impact the functioning an availability of the Subscription Services and (ii) agrees that no recourse is available against Provider based on such impacts.
    3. Subscription Service Availability. Provider shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure a minimum level of availability to the Subscription Services. In the event of planned maintenance or system upgrades, Provider shall make commercially reasonable efforts to minimize downtime and disruption of the Subscription Services to Customer.
    1. Provider shall not be liable or responsible, to Customer, or be deemed to have defaulted under or breached the Agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of the Agreement when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by or results from a Force Majeure Event.
    2. The Parties acknowledge that the Subscription Services provided under the Agreement may rely on Customer’s Cloud Providers. As such, Customer expressly agrees and acknowledges that any failure or outage of the Cloud Provider Services due to Customer or a Cloud Service Provider whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event, shall be considered a Force Majeure Event under the Agreement, and the affected Party shall be excused from performance to the extent and for the duration of such failure or outage.
    3. In the event that Provider’s failure or delay remains uncured for a period of ninety (90) days following written Notice given by it, either Party may thereafter terminate the Agreement upon ten (10) days’ written Notice.
    4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a Force Majeure Event all obligations of Customer to make payments to Provider hereunder shall remain.
    1. Entire Agreement. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties. The Agreement supersedes all prior agreements pertaining to the subject matter contained therein, both written and oral, between the Parties and may not be changed except in writing by the signed mutual consent of each Party.
    2. Headings. The headings in these Terms Conditions are for reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms Conditions.
    3. Survival. Subject to the limitations and other provisions of these Terms Conditions, (i) the representations and warranties of the Parties contained herein will survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement for a period of eighteen (18) months after such expiration or termination; and (ii) this Section 12.3 and Sections 2.44.3(iv)4.3(vi), 5, 6.57, 8, 911.412.11, and 12.12 of these Terms Conditions,as well as any other provision that, in order to give proper effect to its intent, should survive such expiration or termination, shall survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement.Notwithstanding any right under any applicable statute of limitations to bring a claim,no action based upon or arising in any way out of the Agreement may be brought by either Party after the expiration of the applicable survival or other period set forth in this Section 12.3 and the Parties waive the right to file any such action after the expiration of the applicable survival or other period; provided, however, that the foregoing waiver and limitation does not apply to the collection of any amounts due to Provider under the Agreement.
    4. Disclaimer. Customer acknowledges that it has not relied upon any statement, promise, representation, assurance or warranty made or given by or on behalf of Provider, except as specifically set forth in the Agreement. Provider assumes no obligation or liability for any technical or other advice given about the Subscription Services or the results to be obtained from them, whether alone or in combination with other services.
    5. Severability. In the event that any one or more term or provision of the Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of the Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction.
    6. Waiver. No waiver by Provider of any of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by Provider. No waiver by Provider shall operate or be construed as a waiver in respect of any failure, breach or default not expressly identified by such written waiver, whether of a similar or different character, and whether occurring before or after that waiver. Failure or delay by Provider in enforcing or partially enforcing any right, remedy, power or privilege arising under the Agreement will not operate or be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under the Agreement. No single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power or privilege. Any and all claims by Customer will be deemed waived unless made in writing to Provider within ten (10) days of when Customer learns or reasonably should have learned about the claim. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power or privilege arising from the Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power or privilege.
    7. Assignment. Customer may not assign the Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written consent of Provider. Provider may assign its obligations under the Agreement, in whole or in part, to any individual or entity without prior written consent or prior written Notice to Customer. The Agreement shall be binding upon Customer and its successors and permitted assigns.
    8. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties thereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other Person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of the Agreement.
    9. Modification. No alteration, modification, amendment, addition, deletion, or change to the Agreement or any order shall be effective or binding unless such alterations, modifications, amendments, additions, deletions or changes are properly executed in writing and signed by both Provider and Customer.
    10. Relationship of Parties. The Agreement shall not be construed to create a partnership, employment or joint venture relationship between the Parties. The Parties mutually agree that they are undertaking this Agreement as separate, independent entities and each Party shall only be entitled to the specific rights included above. Neither Party may enter into contracts or other commitments on behalf of the other and may not otherwise make representations regarding the other Party’s capabilities, services, fees, terms, or any other aspects of the other’s business operations.
    11. Cumulative Remedies. All rights and remedies provided in these Terms Conditions are cumulative and not exclusive, and the exercise by either Party of any right or remedy does not preclude the exercise of any other rights or remedies that may now or subsequently be available at Law, in equity, by statute, in any other agreement between the Parties or otherwise. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, the Customer’s rights under Section 7.3 are Customer’s exclusive remedies for the events specified therein.
    12. Equitable Remedies. The Parties acknowledge and agree that (i) a breach or threatened breach by a Party of any of its obligations under Section 5 would give rise to irreparable harm to the other Party for which monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy and (ii) in the event of a breach or a threatened breach by a Party of any such obligations, each Party shall, in addition to any and all other rights and remedies that may be available to such Party at Law, at equity or otherwise in respect of such breach, be entitled to equitable relief, including a temporary restraining order, an injunction, specific performance and any other relief that may be available from a court of competent jurisdiction, without any requirement to post a bond or other security, and without any requirement to prove actual damages or that monetary damages will not afford an adequate remedy. Each Party agrees that such Party will not oppose or otherwise challenge the appropriateness of equitable relief or the entry by a court of competent jurisdiction of an order granting equitable relief, in either case, consistent with the terms of this Section 12.12.
    13. Governing Law. The Agreement, including all exhibits, schedules, attachments and appendices attached hereto and thereto, and all matters arising out of or relating to these Term Conditions and the Agreement, are governed by and construed in accordance with, the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or any other jurisdiction).
    14. Consent to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial. Any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of or based upon these Term Conditions and the Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby shall be instituted in the Federal or state courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts located in Worcester, Massachusetts, and each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such suit, action or proceeding. EACH PARTY HEREBY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVES, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL ACTION OR PROCEEDING RELATING TO THIS NOTE AND FOR ANY COUNTERCLAIM THEREIN.